Open data

Open data

The legislative programme for 2012-2018 put the emphasis on "the systematic posting online of the City's public data in digital format, in the Open Data spirit". In 2012, the City of Brussels put this desire of disseminating public data into practice by offering a few dozen files. In 2014 it created an Open Data platform ( facilitating access to increasingly numerous data sets, exportable in several formats, which can be viewed in the form of tables, graphs or maps that can be integrated into sites and blogs, or that allow the creation of applications.

Through its Open Data Portal, the City of Brussels now makes available over 500 data sets (in French, Dutch and English), which can be exported in different formats, viewed in the form of tables, charts or maps, and embedded on websites or blogs.

Developers will be especially interested in the APIs that promote the use of data sets. Most of the data sets are from the City of Brussels, others come from regional or federal authorities.

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